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The Essential Guide To The Amaranthus

The Essential Guide To The Amaranthus

The Essential Guide To The Amaranthus

Botanical Name: Amaranthus spp.

Common Name: Amaranthus

General Knowledge: The Amaranthus plant, originating from tropical regions in the Americas, is known for its vibrant, cascading flowers and has been cultivated for both ornamental and culinary purposes. In Australia, it is appreciated for its striking appearance in floral arrangements, adding a touch of drama and colour to bouquets and decorations. A fun fact about Amaranthus is that, aside from its decorative use, certain species of the plant produce seeds that are considered a superfood, rich in protein, and can be used in a variety of dishes, showcasing the plant’s versatility beyond its beauty.

Colour Range: A. caudatus in burgundy red and green; A. cruentus in orange-brown pendulous; A. hypochondriacus in yellow, red, and green.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Available in summer and autumn.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Amaranthus is popular for autumn weddings and events due to its vibrant colours and unique textures. It can add a dramatic touch to bouquets, centrepieces, and other floral arrangements.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, Amaranthus is cultivated in various parts of Australia.

Imported into Australia: While it is grown locally, Amaranthus can also be imported to meet demand, especially out of its local growing season.

Buying Tips: Look for spikes where at least three-quarters of the flowers are open, and the flower spike is well formed. Ensure the tips of the spikes are not brown, dried, or hooked over, as these are signs of age or poor quality.

Design Tips and Advice: Amaranthus is transitional and can be used in various modern designs. A. caudatus, with its long pendulous inflorescences, is excellent for hand-tied bouquets and arrangements. A. hypochondriacus, being more erect and featherier, serves well as line material in floral designs.

Flower Maturity: Choose spikes with a majority of flowers open and a well-formed shape.

Expected Vase Life: About 1 week.

Typical Stem Length: Ranges from 50 to 80 cm.

Typical Bunch Size: The number of stems per bunch is variable.

Floral Preservatives: Use floral preservatives to extend vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Amaranthus is not sensitive to ethylene.

Temperature Requirements: Maintain cool storage at 2–4 °C.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Amaranthus has a poor to medium vase life, so it's best to sell or arrange them as soon as possible. Be aware that the seed may drop, potentially creating a mess in the surrounding area.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Store at 2–4 °C to maintain freshness.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Use hydrating solutions and floral preservatives to extend vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Even though amaranthus is not sensitive to ethylene, maintaining proper storage conditions is crucial for preserving its quality.


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