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The Essential Guide To The Calendula

The Essential Guide To The Calendula

The Essential Guide To The Calendula

Botanical Name: Calendula spp

Common Name: Calendula, Pot Marigold

General Knowledge: Calendula, commonly known as pot marigold, displays vibrant yellow and orange hues and is native to the Mediterranean region. In Australia, calendula is frequently utilised for its medicinal properties in creams and ointments to soothe skin irritations and as an ornamental plant in gardens for its cheerful blooms. A fun fact about calendula is that its petals are edible and have been historically used to colour and flavour foods, as well as being a natural dye for fabrics.

Colour Range: The flowers of Calendula come in warm shades of yellow, orange, and bronze-orange.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Calendula is available from winter to early spring in Australia.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Given its availability in winter to early spring, Calendula can be a vibrant choice for weddings and events held during these seasons, especially for themes that embrace warm and bright colours.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Calendula is indeed grown in Australia.

Buying Tips: Look for Calendula flowers that are open, with ray florets not shedding pollen. Ensure the foliage is dark green, clean, and undamaged. The stems should be straight and sturdy, as they are prone to breakage or bending. Be aware of orange blotches on the plant, as this could indicate the presence of Calendula rust.

Design Tips and Advice: Calendula's bright and warm colours make it a cheerful addition to floral arrangements. It pairs well with other cottage garden flowers and can be used to add a splash of colour to bouquets, table arrangements, and garden beds.

Flower Maturity: Choose Calendula flowers at the right stage of maturity, with open blooms and vibrant petals.

Expected Vase Life: Calendula has a typical vase life of 5 to 7 days.

Typical Stem Length: The stems of Calendula usually range from 30 to 40 cm in length.

Typical Bunch Size: The number of stems per bunch of Calendula is variable.

Floral Preservatives: Standard commercial flower food may help in extending its vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Calendula is sensitive to ethylene, a gas that can hasten the aging process of flowers. To minimise exposure, keep Calendula away from fruits, vehicle exhaust, and other sources of ethylene. Ensure proper ventilation in storage areas.

Temperature Requirements: Store Calendula at cool temperatures, ideally between 2–4 °C, to maintain freshness and prolong vase life.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Handle Calendula with care to avoid damage to the stems. If the flowers arrive wilted, recut the stems and place them in a hydrating solution at room temperature for 1–2 hours.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Utilise cool storage conditions, maintaining temperatures between 2–4 °C, to preserve the freshness of Calendula.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep Calendula well-hydrated using fresh water with added floral preservatives to maximise vase life and maintain the flowers' appearance.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Given Calendula's sensitivity to ethylene, take steps to minimise its exposure by ensuring proper ventilation and keeping it away from known sources of the gas.

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