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The Essential Guide To The Frangipani

The Essential Guide To The Frangipani

The Essential Guide To The Frangipani

Botanical Name: The botanical name for the Frangipani flower is Plumeria.

Common Name: The flower is commonly known as Frangipani.

General Knowledge: The Frangipani flower, or Plumeria, originally hails from Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, though it has become a popular and widespread ornamental plant in many tropical and subtropical regions around the world. It is extensively used in landscaping, as well as for its fragrant flowers in leis, garlands, and in perfumery, and it holds a significant place in various cultural and religious practices. A fun fact about the Frangipani is that, despite its sweet fragrance during the day, the flower actually closes at night and reopens the following morning, showcasing a unique daily cycle in the plant world.

Colour Range: Frangipanis are available in a variety of colours, including white with a yellow centre, pink with a yellow centre, apricot with a yellow centre, and burgundy, which is less common.

Australian Seasonal Availability: In tropical regions of Australia, Frangipanis are available year-round, while in temperate zones, they can be found from summer to early autumn.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Frangipanis are popular for summer weddings and events, especially in tropical and coastal areas.

Commercial Growth in Australia: Frangipanis are commonly grown in Australia, particularly in the northern and coastal regions.

Buying Tips: When purchasing Frangipanis, look for fresh blooms, checking for any bruising or blackening of the flowers. It's best to buy them on the day of use or ensure they are stored properly to maintain their freshness.

Design Tips and Advice: Frangipanis are focal flowers, ideal for bouquets. They are rarely used on their stems but are commonly wired for use in wedding bouquets, accessories, and table arrangements.

Flower Maturity: Choose frangipani flowers that are fully open or just about to open. The flowers should be vibrant and fragrant.

Expected Vase Life: The typical vase life of a Frangipani flower is 2–3 days.

Typical Stem Length: Frangipanis have very short stems, around 2.5 cm, and are often sold stemless.

Typical Bunch Size: The flower is not typically sold in bunches; rather, it is sold loose or by the box.

Special Care for Tropical Species: As a tropical species, Frangipanis require specific care to ensure their longevity. Ensure they are stored in a humid environment to prevent them from drying out.

Floral Preservatives: Frangipani flowers do not generally require floral preservatives and are best kept in clean, fresh water.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Frangipanis have a low sensitivity to ethylene.

Temperature Requirements: Frangipani flowers prefer warm temperatures and should be kept at around 18-22°C.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Keep frangipani flowers away from direct sunlight and drafts to prolong their vase life. Change the water regularly to keep it clean and fresh.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Frangipanis prefer warmer temperatures and do not require refrigeration. In fact, cooler temperatures can damage the flowers.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep frangipani flowers in clean, fresh water, and change the water regularly to prevent bacteria growth.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: While frangipanis have a low sensitivity to ethylene, it is still a good practice to keep them away from fruits, vegetables, and other sources of ethylene.


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