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The Essential Guide To The Lilium

The Essential Guide To The Lilium

The Essential Guide To The Lilium

Botanical Name: The botanical name for the commonly referred to lily is 'Lilium'.

Common Name: These flowers are widely known as lilies, or Lilium.

General Knowledge: Lilies, with their botanical name 'Lilium', are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, commonly found across Europe, Asia, and North America. They are widely used in floral arrangements and symbolise purity and refined beauty, making them popular for weddings, celebrations, and as gifts. A fun fact about lilies is that despite their delicate appearance, they are quite hardy plants that can perennially bloom if cared for properly, with some species' bulbs surviving underground for many winters.

Colour Range: Lilies come in a broad spectrum of colours, including white, yellow, orange, red, pink, and some with intricate patterns of specks and streaks.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Grown year-round in climate-controlled greenhouses.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Lilies are a popular choice for weddings and events throughout the year due to their controlled cultivation.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, lilies are grown commercially in climate-controlled environments.

Imported into Australia: There might be imports to supplement local supply, especially for new or less common varieties.

Buying Tips: Choose buds with some colour visible, indicating they're ready to bloom. Look for bright green, healthy leaves, which signal freshness. Plan for bloom time by buying early. Sleeved lilies are preferable, as this indicates careful handling. Avoid yellow leaves as they can indicate poor or prolonged storage.

Design Tips and Advice: Lilies work well as focal points in large arrangements due to their impressive size and vibrant colours. The trumpet and bowl-shaped flowers add dramatic flair and vertical interest to any design. They are highly fragrant, especially the Oriental varieties, which can add a delightful scent to any space.

Flower Maturity: Choose lilies when the buds are coloured but not yet fully open.

Expected Vase Life: 10–14 days, with some Oriental hybrids lasting longer. Flowers will continue to open throughout the vase life.

Typical Stem Length: 60–100 cm, varying by hybrid, growing conditions, and season.

Typical Bunch Size: 5 stems per bunch.

Care and Handling: Lilies should not be held in storage for too long as this can affect bud opening. They are susceptible to bruising, so handle with care. They consume a lot of water, so daily water top-ups and full changes every few days are necessary. Ensure the water is clean and includes flower food.

Floral Preservatives: Use is strongly recommended to support hydration and prolong vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Lilies vary in their sensitivity to ethylene, with some varieties being highly sensitive. Exposure can cause bud and flower drop, as well as shortened vase life.

Temperature Requirements: Store lilies at cool temperatures between 2–4 °C to maintain freshness.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Keep lilies away from fruit and other sources of ethylene. Ensure the environment is free from mechanical damage, which can bruise the petals and foliage.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Store lilies at a consistent temperature (2–4 °C) until they are ready to be arranged or sold.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Maintain water levels in vases as lilies are thirsty flowers. Use floral preservatives in the water to extend their life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Handle ethylene-sensitive varieties with extra care and educate customers about keeping the flowers away from sources of the gas.

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