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The Essential Guide To The Marigold

The Essential Guide To The Marigold

The Essential Guide To The Marigold

Botanical Name: Tagetes spp.

Common Name: Marigold

General Knowledge: The Marigold, with its botanical name Tagetes spp., is native to the Americas but has been widely naturalised around the world, including in Australia. These vibrant flowers are not only used to add splashes of yellow, orange, and red to gardens and floral arrangements but also have applications in natural remedies and as a companion plant due to their pest-repelling properties. A fun fact about marigolds is that they are often used in festivals and events, most notably in Mexico’s Day of the Dead celebrations, where their bright petals are said to guide the spirits of the deceased to the offerings prepared for them.

Colour Range: Predominantly yellow and orange, known for their vibrant and rich hues.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Summer is the primary season for Marigolds in Australia, aligning with their growing period.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Ideal for summer events, Marigolds provide a splash of bright colour for weddings and other celebrations during the summer months.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, marigolds are grown commercially in various regions across Australia due to their popularity and ease of cultivation.

Imported into Australia: While marigolds are grown locally, some specific varieties may be imported for specialty demands.

Buying Tips: Select Marigolds that are more than 75% open, indicating they are close to full bloom and will make an immediate impact. Look for bunches with fresh, green leaves, as this indicates overall plant health.

Design Tips and Advice: Marigolds serve as transitional to focal elements in floral designs due to their bold colours and substantial flower heads. Their informal look makes them well-suited to casual and rustic arrangements. They are generally sold in bunches and can also be presented as potted flowering plants.

Flower Maturity: Sell Marigolds when they are almost fully open for immediate visual impact.

Expected Vase Life: Approximately 7 days, making them a short-lived but vibrant option for displays and bouquets.

Typical Stem Length: 60–80 cm, providing a good height for mixed bouquets and floral arrangements.

Typical Bunch Size: Variable, depending on the grower and supplier.

Floral Preservatives: Recommended to extend the freshness and vitality of the flowers.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Marigolds have a moderate sensitivity to ethylene, which can lead to premature wilting and petal drop.

Temperature Requirements: Keep at a cool temperature of 2–4 °C, especially when storing before display or sale.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Keep Marigolds away from fruits and vegetables to avoid exposure to ethylene gas. Ensure proper hydration without overwatering.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Store at the recommended cool temperatures to maintain longevity.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Encourage the use of floral preservatives and maintain water quality for extended vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Educate customers about the sensitivity of Marigolds to ethylene and advise accordingly.


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