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The Essential Guide To The Scholtzia

The Essential Guide To The Scholtzia

The Essential Guide To The Scholtzia

Botanical Name: Scholtzia spp.

Common Name: Scholtzia

General Knowledge: The Scholtzia is a delicate wildflower native to Western Australia, particularly thriving in the region's unique heathlands and sandy soils. In Australia, Scholtzia species are often appreciated for their natural beauty in wildflower gardens and are used in conservation efforts to promote biodiversity. A fun fact about the Scholtzia is that it belongs to the Myrtaceae family, which is the same family that includes eucalyptus and tea trees, known for their significant roles in Australia's ecosystems and industries.

Colour Range: Available in shades of pink and white.

Australian Seasonal Availability: November to February, making it a great choice for summer arrangements.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Popular in the warmer months, particularly for summer weddings and events.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, it is commonly available through local growers.

Imported into Australia: Not commonly imported as it is locally grown.

Buying Tips: Look for bunches with more than 40% of flowers open along the stems. Avoid flowers that are dropping, have yellow stems, are missing leaves at the tips, have sparsely flowering stems, or appear overmature.

Design Tips and Advice: Scholtzia works well as a transitional flower, suitable for bunching and can be grouped in arrangements of any size and dimension. It can also be wired as single stems or small bunches for use in wedding bouquets and accessories.

Flower Maturity: Flowers should be bought at the right stage of maturity, with more than 40% of flowers open along the stems.

Expected Vase Life: 7–12 days, depending on the care and environment provided.

Typical Stem Length: Ranges from 50–70 cm.

Typical Bunch Size: Varies.

Floral Preservatives: Yes, use floral preservatives in the water to extend vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: S. involucrata is not sensitive to ethylene, but other species may vary.

Temperature Requirements: Maintain a cool storage environment at 2–4 °C.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Do not mist the flowers as this can lead to problems. Ensure proper handling to avoid issues related to maturity and damage.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Maintain a consistent cool temperature of 2–4 °C to preserve freshness and extend vase life.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Recut stems and place them in fresh water with added biocide to keep the water clean and free from bacteria, which helps in extending the vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: While S. involucrata is not sensitive to ethylene, other species may be, so it’s important to be aware of this variability and take appropriate precautions if necessary.

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