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The Essential Guide To The Solidago

The Essential Guide To The Solidago

The Essential Guide To The Solidago

Botanical Name: Solidago spp.

Common Name: Solidago, Goldenrod

General Knowledge: The Solidago, commonly known as goldenrod, originates from North America, with some species native to South America and Europe. It is widely used in floral arrangements to add volume and a bright, cheerful yellow hue that evokes a sense of wildflower charm. A fun fact about goldenrod is that, despite popular belief, it is not responsible for hay fever; its pollen is too heavy and sticky to be carried by the wind, leaving that sneezy business to the lighter, airborne pollens of other plants.

Colour Range: Predominantly yellow, characterised by its bright golden hue.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Solidago is readily available in Australia during the autumn and winter months.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: It is ideal for events and weddings in the cooler seasons, offering a splash of warmth with its vivid yellow blooms.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, it is commercially grown in Australia, especially for use in floristry.

Imported into Australia: While it is grown locally, some varieties may be imported to supplement local supplies or to provide different types of Solidago.

Buying Tips: When purchasing Solidago, select bunches with at least half of the small yellow flowers open. Stems and leaves should be a healthy deep green without any signs of yellowing. Ensure that the flowers have been treated with an anti-ethylene product to prolong their vase life.

Design Tips and Advice: Solidago is an excellent transitional flower in floral design, working well with both bold and soft-coloured blooms. It is versatile for creating volume in bunches and bouquets, and it is equally impressive in both small and grand arrangements.

Flower Maturity: Choose stems with more than half of the flowers opened for immediate display or slightly less opened for a longer-lasting arrangement.

Expected Vase Life: With proper care, the vase life of Solidago can range from 5 to 7 days.

Typical Stem Length: The stems of Solidago are usually between 50 to 60 cm long.

Typical Bunch Size: The number of stems per bunch can be variable, often adjusted based on the fullness desired in arrangements.

Floral Preservatives: It is beneficial to use floral preservatives to extend the life of Solidago.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Solidago is sensitive to ethylene gas, so ensure it has been treated against it and keep it away from fruit and vegetables that emit the gas.

Temperature Requirements: Keep at cool room temperature away from direct sunlight.

Avoiding Problems: To maintain quality, recut the stems before placing them in water with a floral preservative and avoid exposure to ethylene sources.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: For optimal freshness, store Solidago at cool temperatures between 2 to 4 °C.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Use fresh water mixed with floral food to keep stems hydrated and prevent premature wilting.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: As Solidago is sensitive to ethylene, ensure that it is stored and displayed away from ethylene-producing sources.

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