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The Essential Guide To The Tea Tree

The Essential Guide To The Tea Tree

The Essential Guide To The Tea Tree

Botanical Name: Leptospermum

Common Name: Tea Tree

General Knowledge: The Tea Tree, notably the Melaleuca alternifolia, is endemic to Australia, specifically to the northeast coast of New South Wales. Tea Tree is famously utilised for its essential oil, which is prized for its antiseptic properties and is used in a variety of skin care products and medicinal treatments. A fun fact about the Tea Tree is that its common name originated from the practice of early Australian settlers who used the leaves to make a tea substitute, which is quite distinct from the beverage tea plant, Camellia sinensis.

Colour Range: Leptospermum flowers can vary significantly in colour, ranging from white to pale and deep pink, and even to mauve purple. This variety allows for diverse and vibrant floral arrangements.

Australian Seasonal Availability: These flowers are available in spring, which is typical for many Australian native plants.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Leptospermum flowers can be used in bouquet holders with a water source, or in handheld bouquets if kept in water until the time of the service.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Leptospermum is a native Australian plant and is commonly grown across the country.

Australian Native Protections: As an Australian native, Leptospermum may be subject to protections, especially in the wild. It's important to ensure that any wild harvesting is done sustainably and legally.

Buying Tips: When purchasing Leptospermum, look for bunches where 60% to 70% of the flowers are open. Buds do not tend to open once cut, so avoid bunches with many unopened buds. Gently shake the bunches to check for petal and leaf drop, which can be a sign of ethylene damage or the flowers drying out.

Design Tips and Advice: Leptospermum is a transitional flower and foliage, typically used in traditional and wildflower bunches. It can provide a lovely, natural look to arrangements and works well in a variety of settings.

Flower Maturity: Choose flowers that are mostly open, as the buds do not tend to open once cut.

Expected Vase Life: The expected vase life of Leptospermum is between 7 to 10 days, ensuring that it can last throughout an event or as part of a longer-lasting floral arrangement.

Typical Stem Length: The stems of Leptospermum can range from 50 to 60 cm, providing height and structure to floral arrangements.

Typical Bunch Size: Bunches typically contain between 5 to 10 stems.

Floral Preservatives: Commercial floral preservative/floral food

Ethylene Sensitivity: Leptospermum has a varying sensitivity to ethylene depending on the cultivar. This can affect the longevity and quality of the flowers.

Temperature Requirements: Leptospermum should be held under cool storage conditions, between 2 to 4 °C.

Avoiding Potential Problems: To avoid potential problems, ensure that Leptospermum is kept under high humidity conditions and avoid too much air movement over the flowers, which may lead to shrivelling of the petals. Keep the stems in deep water solutions (20 cm) to ensure they remain hydrated.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Leptospermum should be kept in cool storage at 6 to 8°C, but 2-4°C for long term storage.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Ensure that the stems are kept in deep water solutions and use floral preservatives to extend the vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Anti-ethylene treatment by the grower is recommended due to the varying sensitivity of Leptospermum to ethylene.

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