We use florist wire on flowers and foliage for a number of reasons but as a rule, we do not use wire flowers unless they really need it.
Florist wires are sold in 1 or 2 kilo (pound) bundles and be bought on spools
The number of wires per bundle will vary depending on the thickness of the wire.
There are two measuring systems for measuring the thickness of wires. One system is the American Wire Gauge System (AWG), sometimes called Brown & Sharpe System used for precious metals. The other measuring system is the Standard Wire Gauge (SWG), also called Imperial Wire Gauge or British Standard Gauge.
Florist wires are available in a variety of thicknesses in millimetres or in the imperial numbering system SWG gauge. The higher the wire gauge, the thinner the wire, which means 28 gauge wire is threaded thin, while 18 gauge wire is thicker and harder to bend. Florist wire gauges run from 16 gauge (thickest) to 32 gauge (thinnest). Most popular gauges of florist wire are 20 and 24 gauge.