For Valentines Gifts, Think Outside the Bouquet
Think Outside the Bouquet this Valentine’s Day
Here at Koch, we’ve got to know Valentine’s Day like the back of our hand! Then again, we’ve also learned that not all minds and hearts are alike. So this year, it might pay romantic dividends to look a little deeper into what will touch someone’s heart on this special day. With that in mind, 2014 might be the year to think beyond a bouquet of red roses… and find some refreshingly romantic floral presentation ideas that could tip cupid’s scales this Valentine’s Day!
Glass Vases
Okay, we’re not going over the top with idea number one, but Koch’s glittering array of glass vases is a stylishly understated place to start. From the rustic charm of recycled vases, to slim bud vases and gold vases, right through to stunning art glass and mosaic, a Koch vase will stand up and shine through.
Rose Boxes
Adding that little bit of romantic mystery along with some seriously impressive looks, a Koch’s ‘Indulgence’ or ‘Premium’ Rose Box will not only live up to its name, but will go a long way towards achieving the desired results.
Posie Box
A classically romantic case where less is more. A small bunch of roses in a tiny gift bag can still make a big impact with the right person. And you can always go bigger to help that posie turns into a proposal!
Wooden Crates, Tin Buckets, Wicker Trays & Ceramic Pots
Here’s where our Valentine’s Day hero or heroine can get lovingly creative. A gorgeous bed of roses lying in a wooden planter box. A sea of red petals pouring out of a charming tin bucket. Along with wicker trays and all sorts of glazed and natural ceramic pots, there’s a presentation idea to delight every heart.
So, what better time than Valentine’s Day to test what people find attractive and engaging. Originality, inventiveness, wit and the ability to surprise will make the emotional breakthrough. And these heartfelt Koch ideas are designed to achieve exactly that.
Of course, for all the finishing touches, Koch has everything you need for your Valentine’s Day rush from ribbons, gift wrapping paper and gift packaging supplies to Valentines Day teddy bears, along with every little floral tid-bit that Florists or DIY gifters could dream of. Shop glass, ceramic and gold vases at Koch & Co online today!
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