The Slipper Orchid, known scientifically as Paphiopedilum, is originally native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, including parts of India, China, and Indonesia. Renowned for their unique and exotic pouch-shaped petals.
The Snapdragon, characterised by its distinctive dragon-shaped flowers, originates from the Mediterranean region. In Australian gardens, snapdragons are a popular choice for borders and floral displays.
The Snowball Tree, scientifically known as Viburnum opulus 'Roseum', originally hails from Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is popularly used in gardens for its ornamental value.
The Solidago, commonly known as goldenrod, originates from North America, with some species native to South America and Europe. It is widely used in floral arrangements to add volume and a bright, cheerful yellow hue that evokes a sense of wildflower charm.
The Spider Orchid, with its long, spindly petals resembling the legs of a spider, is native to many regions including Australia, where several species are endemic, especially in the southern parts.
Stock, originating from the Mediterranean region, Greece, and South Africa, is well-known for its spicy, clove-like fragrance and densely clustered blooms. Commonly used in perfumery and as a cut flower in floral arrangements.
The sunflower, with its bright and cheery countenance, traces its origins back to North America, where it was first domesticated by Indigenous peoples. In Australia, sunflowers are cultivated not only for their bold aesthetic in gardens and floral arrangements but also agriculturally for their seeds.
Sweet Pea, scientifically known as Lathyrus odoratus, originally hails from the Mediterranean region, showcasing its vibrant beauty and sweet fragrance in gardens worldwide. Commonly used in bouquets, posies, and vase arrangements.