Choosing Containers For Hand-Poured Candle Making 21Sep2023 With a range of materials, sizes, and shapes to choose from, read on for a 101 breakdown that can help you make the right selection for your candle making. Read More 101 Resources, DIY Projects, Buying Guides, Hints & Tips craft, DIY, candles, glassware, buying guide, pots, glass vases, candle jars, tinware, containers, candle containers f p t e
Plant Pot Buying Guide – How To Select The Best Plant Pot For You 25Feb2021 Summary: Taking the time to buy healthy plants will ensure the plant lasts longer.Read your plants care label and become aware of what it needs as every plant is different. Keep your plant away from strong draughts and artificial heat.Don’t overwater your plants. A ‘cup of kindness’ kills more plants than any other element.Putting your plant out in the rain can help dissolve the salts and other minerals found in hard tap water.Regularly remove any dead leaves or flowers from your plant.Using leaf shine sprays can help protect your plant from disease.Outdoor plant pots will need drainage holes and a pot plate to catch the excess water.Some indoor plant pots will have an internal water well step to lift the pot and prevent root rot. Read More 101 Resources, Buying Guides indoor plants, potted plants, plant care, fresh plants, plant pots, outdoor plants, pots, ceramic pots f p t e