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The Essential Guide To The Anthurium

The Essential Guide To The Anthurium

The Essential Guide To The Anthurium

Botanical Name: Anthurium spp.

Common Name:, Flamingo Flower, Tailflower

General Knowledge: The Anthurium, originally from the warm climates of South America, is commonly used in Australia for its striking, heart-shaped spathes that add an exotic touch to bouquets and indoor displays. A fun fact about this vibrant flower is that its waxy, colourful appearance often leads people to think the spathes are artificial.

Colour Range: Anthuriums boast a stunning palette including white, green-white, various shades of pink, orange, as well as a dramatic range of reds and purples, accompanied by a prominent yellow spadix.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Anthuriums are available year-round, thanks to both local cultivation and imports.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Their constant availability makes anthuriums a fantastic choice for events and weddings throughout the year.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, anthuriums are commercially grown in Australia.

Imported into Australia: In addition to local production, anthuriums are also imported to meet demand and variety.


Buying Tips: Look for a spadix that is smooth for at least one-third of its tip. Only up to two-thirds of the spadix should have open florets. The spathe should be free from blemishes and damage. Avoid flowers showing signs of chilling injury such as brown to black spots.

Design Tips and Advice: Anthuriums serve as excellent focal flowers. They are versatile in floristry, fitting into tropical, modern, and traditional designs. They are also suitable for wedding bouquets and large-scale corporate arrangements. Their broad spathes, ranging from 5 to 25 cm wide, and their vibrant leaves, make for striking additions to any display

Flower Maturity: Choose blooms with a properly developing spadix and a smooth, vibrant spathe.

Expected Vase Life: With proper care, anthuriums can last between 14 to 20 days.

Typical Stem Length: The stems can vary in length from 20 cm to a sizable 60 cm.

Typical Bunch Size: Anthuriums are often sold by the box rather than in bunches, with the number per box varying according to bloom size. Leaves are sold in bunches of 10 stems.

Floral Preservatives: Not required.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Anthuriums are sensitive to ethylene, which can shorten their vase life.

Temperature Requirements: Tropical care is needed, with an ideal holding temperature of 12–20 °C.

Avoiding Problems: Handle with care to avoid bruising. Recut stems at an angle and place in clean water. Do not chill, as anthuriums are prone to chilling injury.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Do not store anthuriums in cool rooms; they prefer warmer environments.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep them hydrated by misting and recutting the stems before placing them in water. For wilted flowers, submerge in water for a brief period to rejuvenate.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Keep anthuriums away from fruit and exhaust, which can emit ethylene.


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