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The Essential Guide To The Bracteantha

The Essential Guide To The Bracteantha

The Essential Guide To The Bracteantha

Botanical Name: Bracteantha bracteata

Common Name: Paper Daisy, Everlasting Daisy

General Knowledge: Bracteantha, commonly known as the Paper Daisy, is a resilient and vibrant flower native to Australia, adored for its unique papery texture and used extensively in both fresh and dried floral arrangements. Known for their impressive vase life, these flowers are a popular choice for adding a splash of enduring colour to bouquets and decorations. A fun fact about the Paper Daisy is that despite their delicate appearance, they are exceptionally hardy and can survive with minimal water, making them a symbol of everlasting beauty in the harsh Australian climate.

Colour Range: A vibrant palette including white, cream, yellow, gold, orange, burgundy, and pale to dark pinks.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Bracteantha is typically available from autumn to spring, aligning with the cooler months in Australia.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: These flowers are sought after for autumn, winter, and early spring events, offering warmth and brightness with their rich hues.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, bracteantha is commercially cultivated in Australia.

Imported into Australia: While most commonly sourced locally, some varieties might be imported for diversity or supply reasons.

Buying Tips: Choose flowers with open, undamaged blooms and long, robust stems. Ensure there are no signs of wilting or bruising on the petals.

Design Tips and Advice: Bracteantha's striking, papery texture makes them excellent as a transitional element or focal point in arrangements. They can be used fresh in bouquets or dried for lasting decorations. Their range of colours complements both vibrant and muted design schemes.

Flower Maturity: Select blooms that are fully open as they do not continue to open after cutting.

Expected Vase Life: They last 10–14 days as a fresh cut flower. When dried, they can be preserved indefinitely.

Typical Stem Length: A desirable length of 40–50 centimetres.

Typical Bunch Size: The number of stems per bunch can vary depending on the grower and the size of the individual blooms.

Floral Preservatives: It is recommended to use floral preservative to sustain bloom vitality and longevity.

Ethylene Sensitivity: The sensitivity to ethylene is not well documented, so standard precautions should be taken.

Temperature Requirements: Bracteantha does best at room temperature and should be kept in a cool, dry place when being dried.

Avoiding Problems: Do not store these flowers wet, as this can lead to leaf blackening. Always remove plastic sleeves during storage to prevent moisture accumulation.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Unlike many cut flowers, Bracteantha should not be stored in cool storage as it can negatively affect the petals.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep them hydrated by changing the water and adding flower food every 2–3 days.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Although their ethylene sensitivity is unknown, it is advisable to keep them away from fruits, which are common sources of ethylene.

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