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The Essential Guide To The Cattleya

The Essential Guide To The Cattleya

The Essential Guide To The Cattleya

Botanical Name: Cattleya spp

Common Name: Cattleya Orchid

General Knowledge: The Cattleya orchid, often hailed as the 'Queen of Orchids', is indigenous to Central and South America, with a rich presence in the tropical regions. In Australia, Cattleya orchids are primarily cultivated for their large, showy flowers and intoxicating fragrance, making them a prized specimen for corsages and ornamental displays in horticultural shows. A fun fact about the Cattleya orchid is that it was named after Sir William Cattley, an English botanist who was the first to successfully cultivate the exotic plant in the 19th century, which sparked a lasting fascination and led to its emblematic status among orchid enthusiasts worldwide.

Colour Range: Encompasses a broad spectrum including white/pink, white/yellow, pale to dark pinks, lilac to blue-purple, maroon/chocolate, and cream/lime-green.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Primarily available in spring and autumn. Can be available outside these seasons through climate-controlled production.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Popular for use in spring and autumn events due to its natural flowering seasons. Availability can be extended through climate-controlled production for events outside these seasons.

Buying Tips: Choose flowers that are fully open. Maintain hydration and rehydrate wilted or flaccid blooms by floating them in tepid or room-temperature water for an hour or more.

Design Tips and Advice: Cattleya Orchids serve as stunning focal flowers and are particularly esteemed in corsages and wedding bouquets. They can also be displayed as potted plants for short-term indoor embellishment.

Flower Maturity: Purchase flowers that are in bud or partially open to enjoy the longest vase life.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes

Expected Vase Life: 5 days.

Typical Stem Length: Up to 25 cm with single or multiple blooms appearing on one stem. Blooms range in size from 4 to 15 cm depending on the parentage of the hybrid.

Typical Bunch Size: The bunch size varies.

Floral Preservatives: Use clear or orchid-specific floral preservatives to prolong vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Orchids are sensitive to ethylene gas, and exposure can lead to premature wilting.

Temperature Requirements: Cattleya Orchids prefer intermediate to warm temperatures, generally between 15°C to 29°C.

How to Avoid Potential Problems: Ensure good air circulation to prevent fungal and bacterial diseases and keep them away from fruit and vegetables which release ethylene gas.

Orchid Species Special Care: Cattleya Orchids require bright but indirect light, and their watering schedule should allow for a slight drying period between waterings. They also appreciate higher humidity levels.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: While Cattleya Orchids prefer warmer temperatures, keeping them in a cool room can help to slow down the blooming process, extending their display life.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep the orchids well-hydrated with clean water and consider using a floral preservative to extend their vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Store away from fruits, vegetables, and other sources of ethylene gas to prevent premature wilting.

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