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The Essential Guide To The Cyclamen

The Essential Guide To The Cyclamen

The Essential Guide To The Cyclamen

Botanical Name: Cyclamen spp

Common Name: Cyclamen

General Knowledge: The Cyclamen, with its distinctive heart-shaped leaves and upswept petals, is native to the Mediterranean Basin extending across South Europe, Iran, and Somalia. In Australia, cyclamen plants are commonly used as ornamental indoor plants or cool season bedding plants, appreciated for their long-lasting flowers and decorative foliage. A fun fact about cyclamen is that its flowers appear to be upside down because the petals reflex, curving upwards and outwards, a unique feature that along with its sweet scent, is believed to have evolved to attract night-flying pollinators like moths.

Colour Range: Includes pure white, red, pale to deep pink, lavender, and purples.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Available from April to September, with some variations possible due to greenhouse production.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Ideal for use in events and weddings held from autumn through early spring, aligning with its natural flowering season.

Buying Tips: Cyclamen flowers and foliage are typically available by special order from growers. For potted plants, look for visible colour in the buds and a healthy number of buds, indicating potential for future flowering. Ensure the plant has abundant, healthy green foliage.

Design Tips and Advice: Cyclamen flowers can be used in wedding bouquets, especially when mixed with other flowers. The leaves may be wired for additional support and are commonly used as a collar to surround posies or hand-tied bouquets.

Flower Maturity: Select flowers and plants that show signs of budding and have healthy foliage.

Expected Vase Life: 5 days for flowers, 12-14 days for foliage. With proper care, potted plants can flower indoors for up to 3 months.

Typical Stem Length: 5–15 cm for both flowers and leaves.

Typical Bunch Size: 10 stems per bunch.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Cyclamen has variable sensitivity to ethylene; however, it’s better to minimise exposure.

Temperature Requirements: Prefers cold climates; place in a cool place or even outdoors at night.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Avoid prolonged exposure to warm indoor environments to prevent yellowing of leaves and weakening of flowers.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Maintain a temperature range of 2–4 °C for cut flowers.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Ensure consistent hydration and use floral preservatives to prolong vase life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Take precautions to minimise exposure to ethylene.

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