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The Essential Guide To The Delphinium

The Essential Guide To The Delphinium

The Essential Guide To The Delphinium

Botanical Name: Delphinium

Common Name: Delphinium, Larkspur

General Knowledge: Originating primarily from the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in regions across Europe, Asia, and North America, Delphiniums are a popular choice in floral arrangements due to their striking height and vibrant colours. They are commonly utilised to add a touch of drama and elegance to bouquets, centrepieces, and garden landscapes. A fun fact about Delphiniums is that they are also known as ‘larkspur’ due to the unique shape of their petals, which resemble the foot of a lark.

Colour Range: Delphiniums come in a variety of colours including white, yellow, pale to rose-pink, pale to dark blue, and mauve purples. All of these have a distinct white or black centre, which adds to their unique and striking appearance.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Delphiniums are available in Australia during spring, summer, and autumn. The specific availability depends on the hybrid.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Delphiniums are popular for weddings and events held in spring, summer, and autumn due to their vibrant colours and tall, elegant stems.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Delphiniums are commercially grown in Australia.

Imported into Australia: It is possible that certain hybrids or colours are imported to meet demand.

Buying Tips: Delphiniums are highly sensitive to ethylene, so it’s crucial to ensure that the grower has applied an anti-ethylene treatment. Choose bunches with strong stems, straight tips, and at least a third of the lower flowers on the spike open. Avoid stems with petal drop as this indicates ethylene damage.

Design Tips and Advice: Delphiniums are perfect for adding height and a pop of colour to floral arrangements. Column-type Delphiniums with longer, stronger stems are ideal for arrangements requiring height or length. Butterfly-style Delphiniums have shorter stems and more open flowers, with individual florets suitable for wiring into wedding bouquets and accessories, especially when blue to purple accents is desired.

Flower Maturity: Choose bunches with at least a third of the lower flowers open for best results.

Expected Vase Life: With proper care, Delphiniums can last between 8 to 12 days in a vase.

Typical Stem Length: Delphiniums have long stems, ranging from 70–100 cm in length, with flowers appearing in a 20–50 cm spike at the end. The butterfly-type Delphinium is multi-branched with shorter stems.

Typical Bunch Size: The number of stems per bunch depends on the hybrid, time of year, length, and size of the stem.

Floral Preservatives: Use a floral preservative that contains a bactericide to prevent stems from going slimy and to extend vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Delphiniums are highly sensitive to ethylene. Ensure they have been treated post-harvest to prevent damage.

Temperature Requirements: Store Delphiniums at cool temperatures between 2–4 °C.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Ensure stems are stored upright to prevent bending towards light and keep them away from ethylene sources.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Maintain the proper cool storage temperature to ensure longevity and freshness.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Place Delphiniums in water as soon as possible after cutting and add floral preservative to reduce petal drop and encourage buds to open.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Be vigilant of ethylene sensitivity and ensure Delphiniums have been treated accordingly post-harvest.


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