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The Essential Guide To The Heliconia

The Essential Guide To The Heliconia

The Essential Guide To The Heliconia

Botanical Name: Heliconia spp.

Common Name: Heliconia, Parrot Flower, Crab Claw, False Bird of Paradise

General Knowledge: The Heliconia, originating from tropical Americas, is a vibrant flower used predominantly in decorative displays for its striking and colourful appearance. A fun fact about this flower is that it's not just a feast for human eyes; Heliconia also plays a critical role in the ecosystem by providing nectar for hummingbirds, which in turn are their primary pollinators.

Colour Range: This tropical beauty comes in yellow, orange, red, pink, maroon, purple, green, and various bicolour, offering a vibrant spectrum for any floral arrangement.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Heliconias are available year-round due to their tropical nature and Australia’s conducive growing conditions in the Northern Territory and northern Queensland.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: With their year-round availability, Heliconias are a staple for creating a tropical or exotic ambiance at weddings and events, especially popular for summer occasions.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes

Imported into Australia: Due to biosecurity reasons, Heliconias are a prohibited import as they are closely related to bananas.

Buying Tips: When purchasing, inspect the blooms for any brown-black marks which can indicate chilling injury. Since they can be easily damaged in transit, careful handling upon delivery is crucial.

Design Tips and Advice: Heliconias work exceptionally well in modern floral designs. They can be used in bouquets, bunches, or as the stunning focal point in tropical-style arrangements.

Flower Maturity: Pick blooms that are mature as the bracts do not open further once cut.

Expected Vase Life: These flowers boast a substantial vase life of 10 days to 2 weeks.

Typical Stem Length: The stems can vary greatly in size from 10 cm to over a meter (100+ cm), accommodating a wide array of design needs.

Typical Bunch Size: Sold in bunches of 5 or individually, depending on the cultivar and size of the flowers.

Floral Preservatives: Generally, floral preservatives have little to no effect on Heliconias.

Ethylene Sensitivity: These flowers are not sensitive to ethylene, making them less prone to premature wilting due to exposure.

Temperature Requirements: Best stored at 12–15 °C. Temperatures lower than this can cause damage.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Care should be taken to avoid bruising. Do not chill as Heliconias are susceptible to cold injury.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Not applicable for Heliconias; cool temperatures are detrimental.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Recut stems and immerse in clean water. Misting is recommended over the use of preservatives.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Not required as Heliconias are not sensitive to ethylene.

Special Care for Tropical Flower Species: Heliconias are tropical flowers and should be handled with care to avoid bruising. They prefer warm environments and should not be refrigerated.


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