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The Essential Guide To The Liatris

The Essential Guide To The Liatris

The Essential Guide To The Liatris

Botanical Name: Liatris

Common Name: Liatris

General Knowledge: Liatris, commonly known as blazing star, is indigenous to North America, found in a variety of habitats including meadows, prairies, and marsh regions. In Australia, liatris is a favoured choice in perennial borders and wildflower gardens for its striking vertical spires of purple flowers, and it is also popular in floral arrangements for its long vase life and ability to add height and texture. A fun fact about liatris is that it blooms from the top down, unlike most other flowering plants which bloom from the bottom up, making it a unique spectacle in any garden setting.

Colour Range: Liatris is available in a variety of colours including white, lilac-pink, and purple.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Mainly available in summer and autumn. However, imported blooms can extend the season.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Given its summer and autumn availability, Liatris is a great choice for events and weddings during these seasons in Australia. Liatris flowers can be split into sections to shorten the flower, or they can be used as strong trail in bouquets. They will last well in any wedding design.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Liatris is commercially grown in Australia.

Buying Tips: Look for bunches where only the top florets have opened, as Liatris blooms from top to bottom. Ensure that the entire stem is firm and avoid bunches with blackened lower leaves.

Design Tips and Advice: Liatris has slender stems making them perfect for floral foam arrangements. They add colour, height, and line to any design. They work well in colourful mixed bunches and are suitable for parallel and naturalistic style designs due to the way the blooms open from the top down.

Flower Maturity: Buy Liatris when only the top florets have opened to ensure maximum enjoyment and vase life.

Expected Vase Life: Liatris has a typical vase life ranging from 7 to 10 days.

Typical Stem Length: The stems are typically 60 to 80 cm long.

Typical Bunch Size: Liatris is usually sold in bunches of 10 stems.

Floral Preservatives: Commercial floral preservative/floral food is recommended.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Liatris is not sensitive to ethylene.

Temperature Requirements: Maintain low temperatures between 2 to 4 °C, especially during storage.

Avoiding Potential Problems: Ensure good air circulation and frequent water changes to prevent Botrytis. Remove any bottom leaves to prevent them from deteriorating in water. Use chilled transport to avoid heat damage.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Store Liatris in cool conditions, between 2 to 4 °C

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keep Liatris hydrated and in fresh flower food solution to help open more flowers per stem and extend the overall life of the inflorescence.

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