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The Essential Guide To The Nerine

The Essential Guide To The Nerine

The Essential Guide To The Nerine

Botanical Name: Nerine spp.

Common Name: Nerine, Guernsey Lily, Jersey Lily

General Knowledge: The Nerine, commonly known as the Jersey Lily, originates from South Africa, where its vibrant blooms light up the landscape. These flowers are often used in ornamental displays and bouquets, particularly sought after for their ability to add a splash of colour in autumnal floral arrangements. A fun fact about Nerines is that they were named after the Nereids, sea nymphs of Greek mythology, reflecting the flower's delicate and alluring beauty.

Colour Range: Nerines are known for their vibrant colours, including shades of white, red-orange, pink, and crimson.

Australian Seasonal Availability: These flowers bloom from late summer to autumn in Australia, providing bright splashes of colour when many other plants are starting to wind down for the year.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: They are a popular choice for late summer and autumn weddings and events due to their striking colour and unique form.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, nerines are cultivated commercially in Australia.

Imported into Australia: They can be imported, particularly when out of season or to supplement domestic supplies.

Expected Vase Life: Nerines have a good vase life, ranging from 10 to 14 days with proper care.

Typical Stem Length: The stems are typically 40 to 50 cm in length, allowing them to stand out in arrangements.

Typical Bunch Size: Nerines are commonly sold in bunches of 10 stems.

Buying Tips: Choose stems where the oldest flower is at least partially open, as tightly closed buds may not bloom.

Flower Maturity: Select Nerines that are cut when buds are coloured but not fully open, as they will continue to open in the vase.

Which Floral Preservatives to Use: Flower food is beneficial for nerines, helping buds to open and extending vase life.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Their sensitivity to ethylene can vary; hence, it's important to be aware of the specific variety you have. Ethylene can prevent buds from opening and cause flowers to fade more quickly.

Temperature Requirements: They should be kept at cool temperatures between 2 and 4 °C to maintain freshness.

How to Avoid Potential Problems: Maintain hydration and keep away from sources of ethylene like fruit. The dried brown sheath should be removed to promote opening.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Utilising cool storage is vital to slow down the deterioration process and keep the flowers fresh from supplier to consumer.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Keeping the flowers in water with a floral preservative helps in hydration and sustains bloom life.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: For ethylene-sensitive varieties, keeping them in an ethylene-free environment is crucial.

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