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The Essential Guide To The Peony

The Essential Guide To The Peony

The Essential Guide To The Peony

Botanical Name: Paeonia spp

Common Name: Peony

General Knowledge: The Peony, cherished for its lush and voluminous blooms, hails from various regions across Asia, Southern Europe, and Western North America. In Australia, they are highly sought after for wedding bouquets and sophisticated floral arrangements due to their luxurious appearance and rich fragrance. A captivating fact about peonies is that they are not only celebrated for their ornamental use but have also been used in traditional medicine for centuries, particularly in China, where they are a symbol of prosperity and happiness.

Colour Range: The colour palette for peonies is vast, with shades ranging from red, light pink to deep rose, white, and pastel yellows. They also come in shades of purple, and sometimes even orange and yellow. The blooms are often opulent with extravagant layers of petals, resembling some types of roses.

Australian Seasonal Availability: Peonies bloom in Australia from late October to early December. However, this timeframe can fluctuate by around two weeks depending on the season.

Australian Wedding and Event Season Availability: Given their blooming season, peonies are ideal for spring and early summer weddings and events in Australia.

Commercially Grown in Australia: Yes, peonies are commercially grown in Australia and are quite popular due to their beautiful blooms​.

Imported into Australia: Importing peonies from the Northern Hemisphere extends their availability into April and May.

Buying Tips: Seek out plump buds where the petals are just beginning to unfold and vividly exhibit their colour. Peonies more than halfway open are more susceptible to damage due to their delicate nature. Always inspect for clean, unblemished stems and leaves. Imported peonies, which are shipped dry, will bloom promptly when snipped and immersed in water.

Design Tips and Advice: Peonies are often used in bridal bouquets and centrepieces due to their lush and full appearance. They pair well with other spring and early summer flowers like roses, lilies, and hydrangeas.

Flower Maturity: Purchase peonies when buds are plump, petals are just unfurling, and the colour is evident.

Expected Vase Life: Typically, peonies can grace a vase for 5 to 7 days.

Typical Stem Length: Their stems can reach lengths of up to 50 cm.

Typical Bunch Size: Peonies are typically sold in bunches of 5 stems.

Floral Preservatives to Use: Use floral preservatives to sustain their bloom and vibrancy.

Ethylene Sensitivity: Peonies are not sensitive to ethylene.

Temperature Requirements: Best stored in cool temperatures, ranging from 2–4 °C. As for non-storing temperature requirements, peonies prefer cooler temperatures, and it’s advisable to keep them away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prolong their vase life.

How to Avoid Potential Problems: Peonies have a susceptibility to Botrytis, a type of fungus. Due to their short vase life, it's advised to sell them promptly.

Cooling and Cool Rooms: Ensure peonies are stored at a cool temperature of 2–4 °C.

Hydration and Vase Solutions: Refresh water regularly and use the recommended dose of flower food.

Care of Ethylene Sensitive Products: Since peonies aren't sensitive to ethylene, special care in this aspect isn't necessary.


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