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Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 2015 Winners & Review

Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show 2015 Winners & Review

The Melbourne International Flower Show is Australia’s biggest flower and garden show and 2015 marked its 20th year. Koch invited me to review the highlights of this year’s show, and there was certainly plenty to see and be inspired by with world class landscape designs and floral exhibits. As a florist with my own business, this event continues to be a great way to keep up-to-date with current industry standards, trends and techniques.

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Floral Vision 360° Winners: 2015 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

Floral Vision 360° Winners: 2015 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show

For the second year running Koch & Co sponsored a floral design competition at the 2015 Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, in association with Flowers Victoria. Designed to encourage more florists to get involved in the MFIGS, the competition showcased entrants work in front of 100,000 plus visitors and industry insiders. This year’s competition was titled, Floral Vision 360°, with entrants asked to create floral arrangements on plinths suitable for an event, that viewed beautifully from all angles.

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2015 Melbourne Flower Show Competition Now Open

2015 Melbourne Flower Show Competition Now Open

Koch & Co is proud to be sponsoring the floral design competition for the second year running at this year’s Melbourne Flower & Garden Show, with Flowers Victoria. A wonderful opportunity to get involved in this historic event, entry is available to all florists state-wide, enabling you to promote your work to over 100,000 floral fans, international visitors and industry insiders. We were impressed with the entries last year (check out our 2014 entries and review of the event), so we hope a lot of florists will be keen to participate this year.

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Melbourne Int. Flower & Garden Show Prize Winners

Melbourne Int. Flower & Garden Show Prize Winners

This year Koch & Co was proud to support the florist industry by sponsoring The Floral Design Competition with Flowers Victoria. Held in the Great Hall of Flowers the competition called upon entrants to create an events table decoration using at least fifty percent floral and eighty percent botanical material, with sundries from Koch & Co. Our MD Karl Papas joined Matthew Landers and Greg Milner in judging, and noted the “breadth of individuality and passion” shown from the competition entrants. Congratulations to all the entrants are due – we hope it’s an experience every entrant enjoyed, and we hope you’ll take part in future competitions.

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