Colours: White
Types: Plastic
Shapes: Square
Packaging: Guard Only
Finishes: Plastic
Where hands can become strained from holding bouquets, or stems can become damaged by being held for too long or too tightly, Holly Chapple's DIY Floral Grid offers an alternative.
To use this product, slide the pieces together to create a grid. Place the grid over the opening of a vase filled with water. Insert flowers into the grid until happy with their arrangement. If you're not tying the bouquet together, simply pull the grid pieces away from each other, and enjoy your arrangement. If your arrangement is to be tied, slightly lift the grid pieces, taking care not to pull them apart, and hold your arrangement at its neck. Gently slide out the white grid pieces, taking care not to disrupt the arrangement. As the grids slide out, make sure to compensate with a slightly tightened grip. Then tie bouquet as usual.
Colours: White
Types: Plastic
Shapes: Square
Packaging: Guard Only
Finishes: Plastic